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Order or Reserve your journey to or from Switzerland, and across Europe

The Swiss local  drivers are looking to welcome you on board

We offer you a new means of on-demand & Reservation transport service for VTC and Taxi all over Switzerland & Europe
Try our application without delay and travel without any hussles

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Dear SwissRyde passengers, we kindly request you to review your email inbox and check the notifications within the app for the promotional code. We regularly distribute codes for public occasions. Please utilize your promo code accordingly.

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Ensuring Secure Communication

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App Features

Personalize The App Experience
with Our Features

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Video and audio call capabilities

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Customizable meeting settings

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Real Time Report

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Transact. Anytime

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Safe Transaction

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Global Payment

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What People Think About Us

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Johnny the Driver

I'm extremely satisfied with my decision to utilize the SwissRyde Tool.

Pro performance

The new wireless AirPods are the first of their kind to intelligently connect to your devices while delivering incredible sound.

All new ways

Wherever your ideas take you, you’ll get there faster than ever with high‑performance processors and memory, advanced graphics, and more

I'm extremely satisfied with my decision to utilize the SwissRyde Tool.

I'm delighted to take advantage of the promo code frequently provided by SwissRyde.

Verify the required exams and become a certified driver.

Some threads regarding the LTVTC exam (Taxis and VTC).

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